Eurocrypt 2018 rump session

The Eurocrypt 2018 rump session took place Tuesday 1 May 2018. Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange served as chairs. Roberto M. Avanzi served as shofar blower. Julia Hesse, Eran Lambooij, Stav Perle, and Huang Senyang served as air-hammer operators. Slides are available from all presenters who agreed to put their slides online.

Eurocrypt 2018 rump session, Tuesday 1 May 2018
Session 1
19:45Eli Biham, on behalf of the IACR fellows committeeEli BihamFellows nominationslides
19:49NISTJacob Alperin-SheriffNIST Updateslides
19:55Daniel J. Bernstein and many contributorsDaniel J. Bernsteinlibpqcryptoslides
19:58Yilei ChenYilei ChenReverse Kuleshov effect in cryptographyslides
20:01Wouter Castryck, Tanja Lange, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny, Joost RenesWouter CastryckCSIDH: an efficient post-quantum commutative group actionslides
20:06Chris BrzuskaChris BrzuskaQueerCryptslides
20:09TCC chairsStefan DziembowskiTCC GOAslides
20:14Crypto 2018Elette BoyleWorkshops @ Crypto 2018!slides
20:17ElectroEuroTalia KohenElectroEuroslides
20:20Carsten Baum and Yossi Adi and Moustapha Cisse and Yossi Keshet and Benny PinkasCarsten BaumKittens, Models And Thieves
20:24Kai-Min Chung, Marios Georgiou, Ching-Yi Lai, Vassilis ZikasVassilis ZikasCryptography with Dispensable Backdoorsslides
20:29Tomer Ashur, Atul Luykx, and many othersTomer AshurHow we avoided a second Dual-EC-DRBG fiascoslides
20:36Christian Badertscher, Peter Gaži, Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russel, and Vassilis ZikasChristian BadertscherAnother Application of Cryptocurrenciesslides
20:42Dmitriy VolkovDmitriy VolkovP2P social networks: why and how viable?slides
20:45Julia HesseJulia HesseDecoding distortions using frequency analysisslides
Session 2
21:30Achiya Bar On, Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, Eyal Ronen, and Adi ShamirNathan KellerMake AES great again! slides
21:36Yevgeniy Dodis, Jonathan Katz, John Steinberger, Aishwarya Thiruvengadam, Zhe ZhangYevgeniy DodisSmall-Box Cryptography, and the Provable Security of SPNsslides
21:42Eli Biham Stav PerleStav PerleConditional Linear Cryptanalysisslides
21:47Gaëtan Leurent, Thomas PeyrinGaëtan LeurentRandom Oracles in the Real Worldslides
21:52Mridul NandiMridul NandiBernstein Bound is Tightslides
21:58ZUC design teamBin ZhangThe ZUC-256 Stream Cipherslides
22:03the SKINNY teamYu Sasaki3rd SKINNY Breaking Competitionslides
22:08orhun karaorhun karaLightsec workshopslides
22:09Pavel HubacekPavel HubacekPRG?slides
22:13Chris Brzuska and Antoine Delignat-Lavaud and Konrad Kohbrok and Markulf KohlweissChris BrzuskaState-Separating Proofs: A Reduction Methodology for Real-World Protocolsslides
22:19Itai Dinur, Nathan Keller and Ohad KleinNathan KellerHow to Synchronize Efficientlyslides
22:24Moni Naor, Benny Pinkas and Eyal RonenEyal RonenHow to (not) share a passwordslides
22:30Sergiu BursucSergiu BursucA basketful of secret sharesslides
22:35Elette Boyle, Ran Cohen, Deepesh Data, Pavel HubacekRan CohenMust the Communication Graph of MPC Protocols be an Expander?slides
22:40Julian Loss and Tal MoranJulian LossThe Best of Both Worlds: Byzantine Agreement Protocols for (but not limited to) Chickensslides
CFP: SSR 2018 (Conference on Security Standardisation Research),

Call for submissions (archived)

Do you have breaking news, progress reports, or other topics of interest to the Eurocrypt 2018 audience? Can you keep your talk short and entertaining? Fill out the submission form and ask for a talk slot!

The detailed program for the rump session will be announced on this web page. There are no current plans to distribute printed programs.